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Anamer Lilihammer Zambrano Rodríguez
Daniel Alejandro Marrero Cedeño
Flor María Parra Falcon


Extubation Failed (EF) is the inability to breathe spontaneously within 48 hours after removal of the artificial airway. Objective: To analyze the relationship between failed EF with pre- and post-extubation physiological variables in critically ill pediatric patients Methods: The study was quantitative, observational analytical, case modality (patients with FD) and controls (EE), non-concurrent prospective. The population was made up of 202 admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of the Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes (IAHULA), during 2015-2019. The sample were 150 patients, selected through non-probabilistic sampling, 44 cases and 106 controls. Data was collected through documentary analysis of medical records. Results: 63.5% were male, with a predominance of younger infants (27.3%) and with infections as an admission pathology (p=0.49). 79.5% of cases were administered sedatives and/or neuromuscular relaxants 12 hours prior to extubation. The heart rate, 66.7%, was within the normal range, with tachycardia being the most common in 38.6% of cases. Bradycardia and tachycardia are associated with failed PE, with values of p=0.028 and p=0.037. Blood pressure values were normal in 67.3%, but hypertension was present in 31.8% with FD. The respiratory rate was normal in 61.3%, with tachypnea being present in 45.5% of cases. Tachypnea with a value of p=0.001, and bradypnea with p=0.001, were statistically related to EF. Oxygen saturation was normal in 82.6%, with a low value in 59.1% of cases. On the Glasgow scale, 66.7% presented normal values. Conclusion: Most of the physiological variables presented significant changes, with heart rate and respiratory rate being the ones that presented a statistically significant association with EF.

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How to Cite
Zambrano Rodríguez, A. L., Marrero Cedeño, D. A., & Parra Falcon, F. M. (2023). FAILED EXTUBATION AND PRE- AND POST-EXTUBATION PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIABLES IN CRITICALLY ILL PEDIATRIC PATIENTS. Scientific Journal in Health Sciences, 2(4), 351–360.
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