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Johana Milagritos Ramírez Cerna
Sofía Adriana Ancalla Gamarra
Leonardo Antonio Erazo Lozano
Milagros Nery Quispe Guevara
Jostin Mark Rodríguez Domínguez
Micaela Alessandra ánchez Palomino


Objective: Determine the relationship between academic stress and eating habits in General Studies university students of the 2023 - II semester of the Faculty of Medicine. Methodology: The study focuses on a quantitative perspective and has a non-experimental and correlational design. The population consists of approximately 712 UNMSM Faculty of Medicine students enrolled in the 2023-II semester, covering the five professional schools. The final sample is made up of 125 students. The technique used for data collection was through the Google Forms platform. Results: 29.6% have a low level, 40.8% have a medium level and 29.6% have a high level. Regarding eating habits, 24.8% have poor habits, 50.4% have sufficient habits, and 24.8% have healthy habits. In addition, a significant relationship (p = .031) was found between academic stress and eating habits, supporting the connection hypothesis in the students of the UNMSM Faculty of Medicine during the 2023-II semester. Conclusions: A relationship was found between academic stress and eating habits in students of the UNMSM Faculty of Medicine. Although more than 30% experience a medium level of stress, an equal distribution between low and high levels will be used. Furthermore, more than 50% of those surveyed exhibit eating habits considered sufficient, although the proportion of students with poor and healthy habits is similar.

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Ramírez Cerna, J. M., Ancalla Gamarra, S. A., Erazo Lozano, L. A., Quispe Guevara, M. N., Rodríguez Domínguez, J. M., & ánchez Palomino, M. A. (2023). ACADEMIC STRESS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH EATING HABITS IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF GENERAL STUDIES OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE, 2023-II. Scientific Journal in Health Sciences, 2(4), 317–320.
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