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Johanna Milagritos Ramírez Cerna
Jhadir Sleyter Blas Aldea
David Alexis Eguilas Morales
Carolina Guevara Crispín
Heiddy Nayely Pérez López
Maria Estefani Zavala Yañacc


This research addresses user migration and deficiencies in the Peruvian health system, contextualizing the problem at the national and international level. It uses an observational methodology with literature review to analyze causes and consequences. The findings highlight the lack of access to quality services, insufficient resources and trained personnel, corruption and poor coordination. The conclusions emphasize the need for comprehensive reform with greater investment, transparency, the fight against corruption and better coordination between levels of care. In addition, migration is highlighted as a consequence of the deficiencies in the Peruvian health system, highlighting the importance of reducing gaps in access and use of health services for immigrants and locals. It proposes the implementation of strategies and policies with social participation of immigrants. It also analyzes how the deficiencies of the system impact on the decision of users to migrate to the cities.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Cerna, J. M., Blas Aldea, J. S., Eguilas Morales, D. A., Guevara Crispín, C., Pérez López, H. N., & Zavala Yañacc, M. E. (2023). CHALLENGES IN PERUVIAN HEALTH - A CRITICAL ANALYSIS. Scientific Journal in Health Sciences, 2(4), 313–316.
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