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Zulema Quenta Mucho
Darwin Oliver Ramos Zamata
Diego Rafael Iriarte Peña


Iron deficiency anemia is a problem that afflicts our Peru and the whole world, it is due to the deficiency of a micronutrient called iron. This research evaluates the level of knowledge of the mothers of the I.E.I. Los Andes Crucero, on iron deficiency anemia and its different dimensions. Analyzing different factors such as the age of the mother, academic and occupational level. This is a descriptive and cross-sectional investigation, for this investigation we used a survey as an instrument, which was applied to each mother. Iron deficiency associated with iron deficiency anemia affects more than 3.5 billion people. Despite the different criteria that do not help to be precise, the real magnitude of the problem worldwide, it has become aware that, in third world countries, that is, in developing countries, for every two children, one of them, under the age of five years and for every two pregnant women, one of them has iron deficiency anemia.

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How to Cite
Quenta Mucho, Z., Ramos Zamata, D. O., & Iriarte Peña, D. R. (2023). LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN MOTHERS OF I.E.I. THE ANDES CRUISE 2020. Scientific Journal in Health Sciences, 2(3), 236–239. https://doi.org/10.61324/csalud.2023.vol2i3.31
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