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Charo Jacqueline Jauregui Sueldo
Rossibel Juana Muñoz De La Torre
Lilia María Nieva Villegas


The objective of the research work was to determine the association between anxiety and coping strategies in nursing and midwifery students in times of pandemic at the National University of Huancavelica, 2020. Methodology: The study is descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional with correlational design developed whose sample calculated for finite populations was 219 young university students of health sciences, using the questionnaire applied virtually. Results: The students were characterized by being female 85.4% and male 14.6%; with ages between 16 to 19 years 63% and 20 to 28 years 37%; the level of anxiety in times of pandemic that predominated was moderate, whose symptoms presented were excitement, nervousness or state of tension 91.8%, with worries about something 96.3%, with irritability 71.2%, difficulty to relax 54.8%, with difficulty to sleep 42%, among other symptoms such as worry. The coping strategies in nursing and midwifery students are negative in 81.3% and negative in 18.7%; however, only cognitive coping was positive in 72.6% and with respect to behavioral coping, cognitive resistance and negative behavioral resistance in 94.1%, 96.8% and 79.5% respectively; the levels of anxiety and coping strategies obtained a p-value greater than 0.05. Conclusion: There is no association between anxiety levels and coping strategies in young university students of Health Sciences.

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How to Cite
Jauregui Sueldo, C. J., Muñoz De La Torre, R. J., & Nieva Villegas, L. M. (2022). ANSIEDAD Y ESTRATEGIAS DE AFRONTAMIENTO EN LOS JÓVENES UNIVERSITARIOS EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA, HUANCAVELICA 2020. Scientific Journal in Health Sciences, 1(2), 179–185.
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